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Victoria Satterthwaite
Posted on the 2020-07-30 at 20:00
Hi Y'all!  This reunion will be bittersweet since we are so close but will be unable to come. Eldest has chosen the same date for her long-awaited wedding. I wish everyone a wonderful time and we will be watching the website for alternate opportunites to get together with attendees. Warmly, Victoria
Mike Walker
Posted on the 2020-07-30 at 20:00
Been traveling the country with my dog Clem in a 1989 Toyota camper for the last six years. Currently in the desert north of Yuma.
Susan Ley Keithline
Posted on the 2012-04-12 at 20:00
I am sorry to have missed the reunion - actually did not hear about it at all - now that you all have this fabulous website, I can keep up with the news and events. Hope there is a summer picnic - I am realizing that 60 is around the corner and am not quite ready to be there yet. Also read, with much sadness, the memorials. Thanks to everyone who monitors this site - can get lost in the memories!!
Jim Long
Posted on the 2012-02-06 at 19:00
 A great reunion site.  I just went through the in Memoriam section and it it is quite sobering.  It is a nice feeling that we are all part of the same UD family - and I wish you all great health and continued success.My Best,Jim Long
Dennis c Haas
Posted on the 2012-02-06 at 19:00
I found this site after my two close friends passed away, i hope that the rest of my class is well .
Nancy Schmidt
Posted on the 2010-12-06 at 19:00
It was great to see people I knew from HS and great meeting and talking to others I got to know.  I missed talking to some that I still want to talk to - the night went by quickly.   Our Oreland gang is the best!   I don\'t feel as old as I am.  I am gratefull to have some friends from way back when...  Thank you to everyone for making it such a fun time.
Victoria Satterthwaite
Posted on the 2010-12-06 at 19:00
 The reunion was wonderful beyond my wildest expectation. People are still sending in pictures that are being posted in the Reunion Photo Albums.Chris Esposito had a great idea for a reunion in two years...The Class of \'70 Turns \'60!  So we\'ll shoot for that..and maybe a summer picnic in between.For all the folks who couldn\'t make it...of course, we talked about you behind your back and we are figuring out ways to get you to the next one.Thanks to everyone who came and especially Janis Milstein and Nancy Schmidt who went far beyond the call to make the reunion smooth and beautiful!
Polly (Pease) de Vizcaino
Posted on the 2010-12-01 at 19:00

What a great evening ! I was so happy to be able to go with my husband Paco, and see everyone. Too bad it was for such a short period of time. I was so impressed with Rev. Dr. Kenneth Beale that when I ran into him in the hallway, I could only say hello. Dr. Beale, thank you for your kind words to all of us who made it to the reunion. Wishing everyone the best..............P

Perry Ritter
Posted on the 2010-11-23 at 19:00
The quote below is from a popular 1998 song, seems fitting as we our approach our 40th reunion.
"Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young".

Don\'t know the song? Listen to it at:
2nd best line from that song:
"Don\'t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you\'re ahead, sometimes you\'re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it\'s only with yourself".
Wait, tied for 2nd place should be:
"The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday".
That line takes me back to a ski slope on Elk Mountain, my last run of the day and finding my 15 year old son unconscious after hitting a tree. He was given a 50/50 chance of making it through the night..... Maybe I need to make that line my number one choice, that day changed my life, that\'s the day I learned what "That One Thing Is" (from the movie City Slickers)
Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that and the rest don\'t mean shit.
Mitch: But, what is the "one thing?"
Curly: [smiles] That\'s what *you* have to find out.
Yep, that day I learned what truly was important in life....that son turns 38 in March.
Molly (Haydock) DeRosa
Posted on the 2010-11-16 at 19:00
I am really looking forward to seeing all of you!  I have not lived in PA since we graduated -- can\'t imagine what it is like to "run into" people I graduated with.  Anybody living in Michigan?
Barry Shreve
Posted on the 2010-11-06 at 20:00
     Wow, how could it have been 40 years since we graduated?  Looking through photographs on the website brought so many memories back, as if it was just last week.  Almost every face I saw had a set of memories associated with it, surprisingly crystal clear.  I share Ed Fell\'s response to reading of all those who are no longer here with us, and it simply feels as if pieces of the picture that is Life are missing: thank goodness that they still live on in my memory as if nothing has changed.
     I do not know if we will be coming to the Reunion, but in many ways I already feel "reconnected" just by reading through the messages and looking at the pictures. 

Victoria Satterthwaite
Posted on the 2010-10-09 at 20:00
 If anyone has any news or photos or commentary, please send it to me and I\'ll post it on the website.We have spoken to so many people in the last several weeks, it has been great touching base and catching up a little with everyone we have gotten hold of and it\'s good to hear voices even if we are just leaving a message.If you know someone from our class, please pass the word along, we have not reached everyone and we don\'t want anyone left out.
Ed Fell
Posted on the 2010-09-25 at 20:00
I trust the years have been good to you all. Where did the years go?  It\'s amazing the journeys I\'ve traveled, the teachers who have patiently taught me; the new friends from around the globe whom I know; and the experiences that have shaped me.  As I read this web site, I\'m moved by those who have passed.  It\'s hard to believe that I/we are that old that our peers are going.
We all seemed so idealistic as I remember in 1970, yet for some reason I\'ve held on to that idealism and trust that we will contribute in our own way to our communities and our planet.  Of course that\'s easy to embrace as I live on Maui.  As we say, much mahalo.  Ed Fell
Ed Fell
Posted on the 2010-09-25 at 20:00
Aloha old friends,
I guess most of us need the reading glasses for the smaller print.  I look forward to hearing from you all from Maui where I totally enjoy my full life.  While I travel much, I will not be coming to our reunion but wish you all a lot of laughs, fun and reconnection.  I trust the years have been as good to you as they have been for me. 
With gratitude for our great foundation @ UD...Ed Fell

Polly DeVizcaino
Posted on the 2010-09-25 at 20:00

 It has been a long time since we\'ve been to Ambler-Ft. Washington. Here\'s hoping everyone can go and we have a great evening ! Look forward to seeing you all !!  PdeV

Janis Milstein Murphy
Posted on the 2010-09-25 at 20:00
Can\'t wait to see all my friends at the Reunion!
Joseph J Hildebrand
Posted on the 2010-09-03 at 20:00
Greetings from Joe & Connie Hildebrand in Orange Park, FL